(set #whattodo "\n\n\n\n\nThis installer will copy or update the TextInput classes in MUI:Libs/MUI if needed.")
(set #nomui (cat "\n\nTextInput uses Magic User Interface (MUI).\n\nThe installer has not found MUI: to be assigned, "
"therefore you TextInput will not work correctly. You will need to install "
"MUI before running TextInput."
(set #updateinstaller "\nJust to let you know ESCOM AG has released a new version of the installer program.\n\n\nVersion 43.3 can be found on Aminet in:\n\n/util/misc/Installer-43_3.lha\n\n\nYou might want to upgrade soon, if you can. The TextInput installer will need it. Older installers might fail.")
(set #updatingmuic "\nUpdating the MUI Classes if needed.\n\n(#?.mcc & #?.mcp)")
(set #newermui "\nTextInput needs version 3.8 or higher of MUI installed to work correctly.\n\nNow would be a good time to Upgrade!\n\nYou can find the new MUI on Aminet in util/libs\n\nIt looks like you have: \n\n")
(set #nompc "\nThe .MCC files for TextInput can not be installed to 'mui:libs/mui'")
(set #cpuver "\nWhat version of TextInput would you like to be installed?\n")
(set #updatedlibs "\nInstall/Update the Vapor Libraries?\n* = Must be installed to work correctly\n(Click 'Help' for more info on the libs.)\n")
(set #lib1 " Update library")
(set #lib2 " Toolkit library (*)")
(set #lib3 " Registration library")
(set #libhelp1 "\n\nvapor_update.library:\nIf installed every Vapor app will automagically check for updates by querying the Vapor server via Internet. You will be informed and offered automatic downloading if there is an update.")
(set #libhelp2 "\n\nvapor_toolkit.library:\nContains support functions which are used by most Vapor applications and thus can be shared to reduce individual application code size. ie: Async I/O library, crytographically strong random number generator, math support.")
(set #libhelp3 "\n\nvapor_registration.library:\nContains the core code for the registration utility\n")
(set #wherelibs "Where do you wish to place the Vapor lib(s), 'Libs:' is default.")
(set #flushing "\n\nRunning:\n\n'avail flush >NIL:'\n\n to try to flush old Vapor libraries from memory.")